Fluid Property Information
EES provides built-in property data for the fluids listed below. The fluids are grouped into Real Fluids, Ideal Gases, Brines, Incompressible Substances, and Mixtures (modeled as pseudo-pure substances). Property data for air-water mixtures (psychrometrics) are provided by fluid AirH2O. Thermophysical property data for hundreds of materials are also available in the Incompressible Substances and NASA libraries.
------------------- REAL FLUIDS -------------------- ---------MIXTURES ----------
Acetylene MD2M R12 NH3H2O R502
Benzene Methane R14 R407C R512A
Butene Methanol R22 R407H* R513A
Carbondioxide n-Butane R23 R410A R513B*
Carbonmonoxide n-Decane R32 R417A R514A
CarbonylSulfide n-Dodecane R40 R422D* R515A
Chlorine n-Heptane R41 R423A* R515B*
Cis-2-Butene n-Hexane R113 R427A* R516A*
Cyclohexane n-Octane R114 R428A*
Cyclopentane n-Nonane R115 R438A*
DeuteriumOxide Neopentane R125 R452A
DiethylEther Nitrogen R134a R452B
DimethylCarbonate NitrousOxide R141b R453A*
DimethylEther Novec649 R142b R454A
Ethanol orthoHydrogen R143m R454C
Ethylbenzene Oxygen R152a R455A*
EthyleneOxide paraHydrogen R218 R457A*
Fluorine p-Xylene R227ea R460A*
Helium Potassium* R236ea R463A*
Hydrogen Propylene R245fa R469A*
HydrogenChloride PropyleneGlycol R290 R470A*
HydrogenSulfide Propyne R365mfc R470B*
Isopentane SulfurDioxide R1123
Krypton SulfurHexafluoride R1216
FLD files* *Professional license only
----- IDEAL GASES ----- ------ BRINES ------ ------ INCOMPRESSIBLE ------
Air CACL2 (Calcium Chloride-Water) The Function Information dialog displays the
AirH2O EA (Ethylene Alcohol-Water) materials in the Incompressible Substances.
Ar EG (Ethylene Glycol-Water) library.
CH4 K2CO3 (Potassium Carbonate-Water) Specific heat, enthalpy and entropy data are
C2H2 KAC (Potassium Acetate-Water) available for condensed substances in the
C2H4 KFO (Potassium Formate-Water) NASA database.
C2H6 LICL (Lithium Chloride-Water)
C2H5OH MA (Methyl Alcohol-Water) NASA_EES procedure
C3H8 MGCL2 (Magnesium Chloride-Water)
C4H10 NACL (Sodium Chloride-Water)
C6H14 PG (Propylene Glycol-Water)
The fluid properties are of three distinct types: ideal gas, real fluid/mixtures and brines/incompressible. The enthalpy and internal energy of ideal gas substances are dependent only upon temperature. EES will not accept pressure, along with temperature, as an independent property input in the Enthalpy and IntEnergy functions for ideal gas substances. A general rule is that substances having a name that is a chemical formula, e.g., N2 or CO2, are implemented to be ideal gases whereas real fluids use spelled-out names, e.g., Nitrogen and CarbonDioxide. Air and AirH2O (psychrometric relations) are exceptions to this rule in that both are based on ideal gas behavior. Whenever a chemical symbol notation (e.g., Ar, N2, CO2, CH4 etc.) is used, the substance is modeled as an ideal gas and the enthalpy and entropy values are based on JANAF table references. The JANAF table reference for enthalpy is based on the elements having an enthalpy value of 0 at 298K (537R). The entropy of these substances is based on the Third Law of Thermodynamics.
Whenever the substance name is spelled out (e.g., Argon, Steam (or Water or R718), Nitrogen, R12, CarbonDioxide, Methane, etc.) the substance is modeled as a real fluid with subcooled, saturated, and superheated phases. Most of the real fluids and mixtures in the table above employ a high accuracy equation of state that accurately provides property information at all conditions including the vicinity of the critical point and the subcooled region. Specific references to the equation of state are provided for each fluid. A few fluids use the Martin-Hou equation of state (A.I.Ch.E. Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1955, pp. 142-151) and assume the fluid is incompressible. The Martin-Hou equation of state has a claimed accuracy of 1% in specific volume for conditions at which the density is less than 1.5 * Critical density. Thermodynamic properties at densities greater than 1.5 * critical density or in the vicinity of the critical point may be inaccurate with the Martin-Hou equation of state.
Brine properties are provided given the temperature and mass concentration in %.
NH3H2O (ammonia-water) is a mixture. It requires 3 independent properties. The property designators are the same as for pure fluids with the following two differences. X designates mass fraction. Q designates quality.
Starting with version 10.364, the property keywords Water, Steam, R718 and Steam_IAPWS are treated identically. All four keywords provided access to property correlations use the Steam_IAPWS property correlations, which provide the most accurate property data for water substance and it is the current international standard. Steam_NBS and Ice use the property correlations published by Harr, Gallagher, and Kell (Hemisphere, 1984).These property correlations were the basis of the international standard for water before 1995.
Starting with version 10.627, EES can read .FDL files used with the NIST REFPROP program, which extends the number of pure fluids for which EES can provide property information.