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Debug Window 


The Debug Window displays diagnostic information of four types.


Incorrect Degrees of Freedom

An option to show the Debug Window will appear after an attempt to calculate fails because the number of equations is not equal to the number of unknowns. The information shown in the Debug window will depend on the nature of the problem.  If there are fewer equations than variables (DOF>0), a list of variables that are likely to be involved in any missing equation(s) will be displayed. In this case, EES will also present a Solve button that provides a partial solution to the equations up to the point where EES has detected the missing equation(s).   If there are more equations than variables (DOF<0), a list of equations that may identify the redundant equation is shown.  In both cases, a list of all variables that are referenced only once in the Equations Window is also shown.  These variables are possibly spelled wrong or otherwise are not directly used in the problem, except for informational purposes. Redundant or missing equations can often be determined by examination of the information in the equations in the Residuals window or (for the Professional license) in the Computational Flow window.   The Hilite vars uses once control in the Variable Information Palette also provides this information.


Constrained Solution

The Debug Window can also appear if the solution to a problem is constrained.  If an affirmative response is provided in the dialog that requests more information, the Debug window will appear showing all variables that are constrained along with their values and lower and upper bounds.  The affected equations will also be displayed.  Clicking on a variable will open the Variable Information dialog with the cursor positioned on the variable that is constraining the solution.


Unit Checking Summary

The Check Units command will display its finding in the Debug window.  Each equation that is found to have a dimensional or unit inconsistency will be displayed (in black) followed by an explanation (in blue).  Clicking either mouse button on the equation will produce a pop-up menu that has four menu items.  The first (Show Formatted Eqns) will show the equation by itself in the Formatted Equations window with the units of each variable displayed.  The second (Jump to Equations window) will jump the focus to the offending equation in the Equations window.  The third menu item (Set Variable Units) will bring up an abbreviated form of the Variable Information dialog window showing only the variables in that equation.  The last item will disable unit checking for this equation.  This option should only be used when you are sure that the units are appropriate in the equation.


Traceback Information

When an error occurs in a Function, Procedure or Subprogram, a Traceback button will be visible in the error message dialog.  Clicking that button will provide Traceback information indicating equations in the routines that were called when the error occurred.