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Variable Information Palette in the Equations Window



Starting in Version 10.210, the Equations Window provides a Variable Information Palette. The palette displays the variables in use in alphabetical order, along with their units.  


Clicking the left mouse button on a variable in the list will bring up the Variable Information dialog for the selected variable in which the units, guess value, limits or any other information relating to the selected variable can be viewed or changed.


Clicking the right mouse button on a variable in the list will find and select the variable in the Equations window.  In this sense, a right-click is similar to using the Find command in the Equations window, but it differs in that the find is restricted to the program unit (Function, Procedure, Subprogram, etc) that is selected with the menu button at the top of the Variable Information Palette.  Right-clicking on the same variable a second time will find the next occurrence of the variable in the Equations window, similar to a Find Next command.


The Variable Info Palette can also be used with the arrow keys.  Move the mouse over the palette to change the focus to be the palette.  The up and down arrow keys move the variable selection up and down.  The left arrow key (and the Enter key) bring up the Variable Information dialog for the highlighted variable, providing the same function as clicking the left mouse button on the variable.  The right arrow key searches for the highlighted variable in the Equations window, providing the same function as clicking the right-house button.


Clicking the left mouse button on the Update button at the top left of the palette updates the list by (quietly) executing the Check/Format command.  Any changes made in the Equations window will be included in the list aftert this update. Clicking the right mouse button on the Update button will bring up the Variable Information dialog.


If the Equations Window contains Functions, Procedures, Subprograms or Modules, clicking on the Menu button at the top right of the palette will display a popup menu will appear that allows a choice of the program unit.  The variables for that program unit will be displayed in the palette.  


Note that array variables are collapsed and only the parent name followed by [] is displayed in the palette.  Changing made for this parent name changes the units and alternate units for the entire array.


The width of the palette can be adjusted by dragging the Splitter Control to the desired position.  Dragging the splitter bar all the way to the right of the window frame disables the palette.  The width of the palette is saved in the EES file.  When EES is restarted, the width of the palette will be the value it was when EES was last used.


Checking the Hilite vars used once control will cause a pale yellow background to be shown for variables that are only used once in the program element.  Variables that are only used once may be mistyped or otherwise not being used.