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New3DPlot (Macro Command)


This macro command can be used to create a new 3D Surface, 3D Polygon/Points or Symbol Color plot.  The format differs slightly for the three plot types.


3D Surface Plot

New3DPlot  Name='My Plot'  Table='myTable'  X=XCol  Y=Y=Ycol  Z=Zcol  XMin=0  XMax=1  YMin=0  YMax=1  ZMin=0  ZMax=1  Rows=1..10  Type=Surface  Legend=YES  Method=Radial  Resolution=25


3D Polygon/Points Plot

New3DPlot  Name='My Plot'  Table='myTable'  X=XCol  Y=Y=Ycol  Z=Zcol  XMin=0  XMax=1  YMin=0  YMax=1  ZMin=0  ZMax=1  Rows=1..10  Type=Polygon Lines=1  Symbol=1  SymbolSize=10  Color=Red  Filled


Symbol Color Plot

New3DPlot  Name='My Plot'  TABLE='myTable'  X=XCol  Y=Y=Ycol  Z=Zcol  XMin=0  XMax=1  YMin=0  YMax=1  ZMin=0  ZMax=1  Rows=1..10  Type=SymbolColor  Legend=YES  Symbol=8  SymbolSize=10  Toolbar=hidden  SymbolShowEvery=2




Sets the name of the tab for this plot window to the string variable following the = sign.  The string variable must be surrounding with single quotes.  This keyword is optional.  If it is not provided, the name will default to Plot N where N is the plot window number.



Data for the plot are taken from the Parametric table, Lookup tableArrays Table or Integral Table that has the name following the = sign.  The table name can be provided as a string constant surrounding by single quotes or as a string variable, e.g., TN$.  (If the table name supplied is used in multiple tables, the search order is Parametric table, Lookup table, Arrays table and then the Integral  table.   Note that the table name could also alternatively be identified by entering PARN, LOOKN, ARRN, or INTN where N is the tab number of the Parametric, Lookup, Arrays or Integral table.  In this case, do not place quotes around the table name. You can also use ARR for the first Arrays table or INT for the Integral table.


X=   Y=   Z= 

The variables that are to be plotted are identified by the names of the columns following the = signs.  Do not use single quotes.   When plotting variables from the Arrays table,specify the column name as XXX[i], where XXX is the parent name of the array variable.  


XMin=, XMax=, YMin=, YMax=, ZMin=, ZMax=

The minimum and  maximum values of each variable can optionally be specified with these keywords.  A numerical value or predefined EES variable name must follow the = sign.  



A range of rows  can optionally be provided using numerical values (e.g., 1..10) or predefined variables (e.g., 1..N).  If the row range is not provided, all of the data in the specified table will be used in the plot. 



The plot type can be Surface, Polygon or SymbolColor



Either a Yes or No can follow this optional keyword.  The legend is only applicable to Surface and SymbolColor plots



Either Radial or Bi-Quadratic can follow this optional keyword which specifies the method used to determine the values of the function over the range of the grid.  This command is optional and is only applicable for 3D Surface plots. 



A numerical value between 0 and 100 should follow this keyword, which controls the smoothness of the plot.  This command is optional and it only applies to 3D Surface plots 



A integer or predefined variable having a value between 0 and 2 must follow this keyword.  0 indicates no lines.  1 indicates thin lines and 2 indicates thick lines.   This command is optional and only applicable to Polygon/Points and Symbol Color plots.



This command is optional any only applicable to Polygon/Points and Symbol Color plots.  A integer or predefined variable having a value must follow this keyword.  For Polygon/Points plots, a 0 indicates no symbol.  1 indicates a circular symbol;  2 indicates a square symbol.  For SymbolColor Plots, the integer or predefined value must have a value between 8 and 15 with the following interpretation.

Symbol=8  Closed circle  

Symbol=9  Closed rectangle  

Symbol=10 Closed triangle (up)  

Symbol=11 Closed butterfly (horiz)

Symbol=12 Closed triangle (down)

Symbol=13 Closed butterly (vert)

Symbol=14 Closed diamond  

Symbol=15 Cross



An integers predefined variable having a value between 4 and 36 must follow this optional keyword, indicating the size of the symbol.  This command is optional any only applicable to Polygon/Points and Symbol Color plots.



Either a name of a color from the following table or an integer between 0 and 15 follows this optional keyword to specify the color of the lines, symbols and or polygon for a Polygon/Points plot.

Color=0  Black

Color=1  Blue

Color=2  Red

Color=3  Green

Color=4  Purple

Color=5  Maroon

Color=6  Yellow

Color=7  Lime

Color=8  Olive

Color=9  Aqua

Color=10  Gray

Color=11 Fuchsia

Color=12 Navy

Color=13 Teal

Color=14 Silver

Color=15 Orange



If this keyword is provided, the surface in a Polygon/Points plot will be filled with the specified color.



This optional keyword is applicable for the SymbolColor plot.  It can be followed by Hidden or Visible.



This optional keyword is applicable for the SymbolColor plot.  It is followed by an integer that indicates the number of points to display.  If the integer is 1, all points are displayed.  If it is 2, every other point is displayed.



See also:  X-Y-Z Plots

                Overlay3DPlot Macro Command
