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Copy (Macro Command)



Copy /H ArraysTable 'TableName'  R1 C1:R10 C4

Copy the specified range of the Arrays table to the clipboard.  Often there is only one arrays table for the main equation window with TableName='Main'.  If TableName is not specified, 'Main' will be assumed.  Note that the R and C characters are required.  For example, this macro command will copy the Arrays table starting in row 1, column 1 through row 10 column 4.  The data in this selection range will be placed on the clipboard.   If no range is provided, the entire table is copied.  It is possible to specify the selection range with string variables.  For example, string variables R1$ and C1$ can be defined in the macro commands or within the EES program as 'R1' and 'C1', respectively.  String variables R2$ and C2$ can be defined as 'R10' and 'C4', respectively.  Then, the macro command Copy ArraysTable R1$ C1$ : R2$ C2$ will provide the same effect as the original example.  Note that the strings must include the leading 'R' or 'C' characters and can be generated using the CONCAT$ and STRING$ functions, e.g., R2$=concat$('R',string$(X)).  If the value of X has been previously set to 10, using R2$ assigned in this manner will provided the same effect as the original example.  The /H option will copy the column names and units.


Copy Diagram 'Child Window Name'

Copy the specified Diagram window to the clipboard.  A window name, e.g., 'Child Window Name' can optionally be provided as a string constant (within quotes) or as a string variable.  (The window names are displayed in the Diagram Window flyout menu accessed from the Windows menu in the main menu bar.)  The Diagram window corresponding to the provided name will be copied to the clipboard.  If the name is not found, or if the name is 'Main' or if no name is provided, the main Diagram window will be copied to the clipboard.  


Copy /H IntegralTable R1 C1:R10 C4

Copy the specified range of the Integral table to the clipboard.  The range specification is explained in the Copy ArraysTable macro command above.   If no range is provided, the entire table is copied.  The /H option will copy the column names and units.


Copy EquationWindow L3 C1:L5 C9

Copy the characters in the Equations WIndow starting with character 1 on line 3 through character 9 on line 5


Copy /H LookupTable 'Lookup 1' R1 C1:R10 C4

Copy the specified range of the Lookup table with name 'Lookup 1' to the clipboard.  The range specification is explained in the Copy ArraysTable macro command above.   If no range is provided, the entire table is copied.  The /H option will copy the column names and units.


Copy /H ParametricTable 'Table 1' R1 C1:R10 C4

Copy the specified range of the Parametric table named 'Table 1' to the clipboard. The range specification is explained in the Copy ArraysTable macro command above.   If no range is provided, the entire table is copied.  The /H option will copy the column names and units.


Copy PlotWindow 'Plot name'

Copies the specified Plot Windowto the clipboard.  'Plot name' can be an integer.  For example, if  'Plot Name' is 3, the plot that is in the third tab of the plot window will be copied.  More commonly, 'Plot Name' will be the name of the plot shown in the tab at the top of the plot window.   The plot is copied in the format specified in the Plot tab of the Preferences dialog.


Copy SolutionWindow 'TabName'

Copies the contents of the specified tab in the  Solution window to the clipboard in text format.  TabName can be a string constant or string variable.  If TabName is not provided, the Main tab of the Solution window will be copied.

