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The orificeplate procedure returns the pressure drop across a stand orifice plate for steady, incompressible, horizontal flow. The calling sequence is
Call orificeplate(Fluid$,T_1,P_1,m_dot,D_1,D_2:DELTAP,V_dot,Re)
Fluid$ is a string variable or string constant containing the name of any fluid in the EES data base.
T_1 is the temperature, which must be supplied in the same units as EES is configured to in the Unit System dialog
P_1 is the pressure, which must be supplied in the same units as EES is configured to in the Unit System dialog
m_dot is the mass flow rate, which should be in kg/s
D_1 is inlet diameter in m
D_2 is the orifice diameter in m
DELTAP is the pressure drop across the orifice in the same units as EES is configured to in the Unit System dialog
V_dot is the volumetric flow rate in m^3/s
Re is the Reynold's number
$UnitSystem SI C kPa kJ
call OrificePlate('Methanol',20[C],100 [kPa],2.43 [kg/s],0.04 [m], 0.03 [m]:DELTAP,V_dot)
DELTAP=14.14 [kPa]
V_dot=0.003072 [m^3/s]
Cengel, and Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2014, Chapter 8, Section 8