
Rectangle to circular disk in a parallel plane



Function F3D_21(a, b, c, r, N) returns the view factor between a rectangle to a circular disk in disk that is in a plane parallel to the rectangle.  The view factor is calculated using the Monte-Carlo method:



a = width of the rectangle [ft or m]

b = length of the rectangle [ft or m]

c = distance between planes containing the rectangle and disk [ft or m]

r = radius of the disk [ft or m]

N - number of rays to use to  in evaluating the view factor.   If N is 0, a default value will be supplied.



$UnitSystem SI K Pa J deg

a=0.1 [m]

b=0.2 [m]

c=0.2 [m]

r=0.1 [m]

F=F3D_21(a, b, c, r, 0)


{Solution: F=0.184}



Note:  Function F3D_21 calls an external procedure named RecttoDisk.FDL which was written in FORTRAN.  The FORTRAN program is able to provide the result much more quickly than an EES function.

