
Sphere to Finite Plane



Function F3D_7(l1,l2, d, r) returns the view factor between a sphere of arbitrary radius to a rectangle. The normal of one of the rectangle corners passes through the centerpoint of the sphere. Although the radius of the sphere does not change the view factor, it must be smaller than the distance between the plane normal and the centerpoint; the sphere cannot intersect with the plane.



l1 = the width of the rectangle [m or ft]

l2 = the length of the rectangle [m or ft]

d = perpendicular distance from rectangle edge to sphere [m or ft]

r = radius of the sphere [m or ft]



$UnitSystem SI K Pa J deg

l1=0.5 [m]


d=0.5 [m]

r=0.1 [m]

F=F3D_7(l1,l2, d, r)


{Solution:  F=0.04167 }


Reference: Tripp, W., Hwang, C., & Crank, R. Radiation shape factors for plane surfaces and spheres, circles or cylinders, Spec. Rept. 16, Kansas State University Bulletin, vol. 46, no. 4, 1962. in Howell, J. A catalog of radiation configuration factors.  New York: McGraw Hill, 1982. p. 190.

