The $LOAD directive loads a library identified following the $LOAD keyword. The library remains loaded for the EES session or until and $UNLOAD directive is issued.
The NASA library provides property data for 2024 gaseous and condensed materials. It must be loaded before it can be used by entering a $LOAD NASA directive at the top of the Equations window. It can be unloaded with the $UNLOAD NASA directive.
The Incompressible library provides property data for hundreds of condensed materials. It must be loaded before it can be used by entering a $LOAD Incompressible directive at the top of the Equations window.
The Mechanical Design library provides functions for determining stress concentration and moment of inertia. Starting with version 10.841, the Mechanical Design Library is not automatically loaded at startup. It must be loaded before it can be used by entering a $LOAD Mechanical directive at the top of the Equations window.
The Component Library provides detailed component models for a variety of equipment. Starting with version 10.245, the Component Library is not automatically loaded at startup. EES programs that use the Component Library must include a $LOAD Component Library directive, as shown in the following example. The library is only loaded once and it will remain loaded for the remainder of the EES session. After it the Component Library is loaded, this directive is ignored.
Note that the Component Library is only available in the Professional license.
$Load Component Library
$UnitSystem SI C kPa kJ mass
$TabStops 0.24 3.5 in
P=Po# "atmospheric pressure"
A_f=0.539 [m^2] "frontal area of wheel"
L=0.203 [m] "depth of wheel in the flow direction"
Porosity=0.85 "porosity of the packing"
D_h=1.72 [mm]*convert(mm,m) "hydraulic diameter of the packing"
Area\Vol=255 [m^2]/(A_f*L) "area/volume of the packing"
eta_fan=0.6 "fan efficiency"
T[0]=-8 [C] "outdoor air (supply) temperature"
RH[0]=0.95 "relative humidity of supply air"
V_dot[0]=2.0 [m^3/s] "volumetric flow of supply air"
T[2]=24 [C] "temperature of exhaust air"
RH[2]=0.5 "relative humidity of exhaust air"
V_dot[2]=V_dot[0] "volumetric flow rate of exhaust air"
Call enthalpyexchanger1_cl(P,A_f,L,Porosity,D_h,Area\Vol,eta_fan,T[0],RH[0],V_dot[0],T[2],RH[2],V_dot[2]:T[1],T[3],RH[3], Capacity,Power,Q_dot_ph,epsilon,R_c)
omega[0]=humrat(AirH2O,T=T[0],P=P,R=RH[0]) "for plotting on psychrometric chart"
omega[1]=omega[0] "preheat air with no humidity change"
omega[2]=humrat(AirH2O,T=T[2],P=P,R=RH[2]) "humidity ratio of exhaust air"
omega[3]=humrat(AirH2O,T=T[3],P=P,R=RH[3]) "humidity ratio of supply air exiting enthalpy exchanger"
See also: Component Library